Fleshing up with graphical effects
I got this idea about how some pretty particle-effects could improve Flippuzzle. I thought it seemed a bit overkill for a simple puzzle game, but since I had the old explosion code from Asteroids just lying around, I decided to give it a go. I figured it would be nice as some kind of reward, like showing some nice fireworks when the player makes it to the highscore table.
So, said and done I spent yesterdays evening on implementing, and tweaking it until it worked, at least a bit like it's supposed to.
Now when it's there I've realized that just simple particle effects isn't enough. The level-finished screen needs some cool animations and that is that.
I've put togheter some simple movements of the whole gaming area where it zooms out a bit and rotates around itself. It actually changes the whole feeling of the game in some strange way, to the better I hope, but I might be wrong there.
I think I'll tweak the animation a bit and see where it goes, hopefully it'll turn out fine, otherwise I guess I'll have to remove it again.
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