Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Game: Snake

I've been using python as in-game-scripting for some of my projects and the more I've used it the more I've come to like it.

So I thought it'd be nice to write something more than just some little game logic piece in it. Maybe like a little game or something. After some thinking I decided to go for a simplistic snake game since it seemed like a quite small project, and I wouldn't have to worry about performance.

To write this game I decided to use the pygame library, I'll go into more details about this in a future post.

The game took totally about four evenings to write, but the bigger part of the time was spent learning how to use pygame correctly. The two main goals for this game were to get the controls feel quick and responsive and to have working global highscore, I want to believe I achieved them both.

I uploaded it to, so feel free to give it a try and you're more than welcome to drop a comment with your opinions.

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